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Winter Pop-Up - "The Perfect Chalet Illusion"
С вторник 26 ноября 2024 по воскресенье 16 марта 2025, с 18:30 до 1:30
Blue Gin
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Exhibition - "The Butterfly Effect"
С воскресенье 1 декабря 2024 по понедельник 1 декабря 2025, с 9. до 18.
Музей доисторической антропологии
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Exhibition - "Francisco Tropa - Paesine"
С пятница 6 декабря 2024 по понедельник 21 апреля 2025, с 10. до 18.
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Палома
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Exhibition - "Agora, the Place of the Museum"
С пятница 24 января по воскресенье 4 мая 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Собер
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Festival - "Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo"
С воскресенье 2 марта по воскресенье 27 апреля 2025
Principality of Monaco
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Stand-up Comedy - "Les Sérénissimes de l'Humour"
С среда 12 по суббота 15 марта 2025
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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OPMC - "Printemps des Arts"
Четверг 13 марта 2025, в 19:30
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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Stand-up comedy - "Michel Boujenah"
Четверг 13 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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Stand-up Comedy - "Comedy des Sérénissimes"
Пятница 14 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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Opera - "Vespro della Beata Vergine"
Пятница 14 марта 2025, в 20.
Собор св. Николая в Монако
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Event - "Six Nations Rugby"
Суббота 15 марта 2025, с 14:30 до 23:30
Marché de La Condamine
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Webern - Berg - Beethoven"
Суббота 15 марта 2025, в 19:30
Centre de Conférences - One Monte-Carlo
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Stand-up Comedy - "Bun Hay Mean"
Суббота 15 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Concert by Candlelight: Beethoven & Schönberg"
Воскресенье 16 марта 2025, в 17.
Théâtre Princesse Grace
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Film - "Ninotchka"
Вторник 18 марта 2025, в 19.
Theatre Variétés
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Theatre - "Can't Pay? Won't Pay!"
Вторник 18 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
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Gastronomy - "Bordeaux Grand Wine Masterclass"
Thursday 13 March 2025, from 7 PM to 10 PM, Hôtel Fairmont Monte Carlo
Bordeaux Grand Wine Masterclass. Private Salon Fairmont Monte Carlo.
Четверг 13 марта 2025, с 19. до 22.
Отель Fairmont Monte Carlo
12, avenue des Spélugues
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OPMC - "Printemps des Arts"
Thursday 13 March 2025, at 7.30 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, 2024/2025 season, under the Presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover - "Printemps des Arts". Jukka-Pekka SARASTE, Conductor. Programme: WAGNER, BRUCKNER.
Четверг 13 марта 2025, в 19:30
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 92 00 13 70
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Stand-up comedy - "Michel Boujenah"
Thurday 13 March 2025, at 8 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Les Sérénissimes de l'Humour - Don't miss this chance to see one of French comedy's biggest stars, Michel Boujenah, with an evening of big laughs and big emotions.
Четверг 13 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 99 99 30 00
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Winter Pop-Up - "The Perfect Chalet Illusion"
From Tuesday 26 November 2024 to Sunday 16 March 2025, 6.30 pm to 1.30 am, Blue Gin
Experience the magic of winter at the Blue Gin, as the mountains come to the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort! From Tuesday 26 November, the Blue Gin will undergo a stunning metamorphosis, becoming a warm and welcoming Alpine chalet for the festive period. For a limited period only, the spirit of the snow-capped peaks will mingle with the glitz and glamour of the Riviera.
С вторник 26 ноября 2024 по воскресенье 16 марта 2025, с 18:30 до 1:30
Blue Gin
Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort 40, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 98 06 03 60
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Exhibition - "The Butterfly Effect"
Until Londay 1 December 2025, from 9 am to 6 pm, Musée d’Anthropologie Préhistorique
The Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology is delighted to invite you to discover its new temporary exhibition: The Butterfly Effect: The Pre-History of Animals, organised under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. Explore whole rooms themed to the animal kingdom and biodiversity, and take a fascinating journey through archaeology and our natural history!
С воскресенье 1 декабря 2024 по понедельник 1 декабря 2025, с 9. до 18.
Музей доисторической антропологии
56 bis, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 98 98 80 06
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Exhibition - "Francisco Tropa - Paesine"
From Friday 6 December 2024 to Monday 21 April 2025, from 10 AM to 6 PM, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Paloma
The exhibition takes its name from "pietre paesine", ruined marble, whose geological markings are reminiscent of painted landscapes, on the boundary between figuration and abstraction. This analogy of nature and technique is a central theme in the work of Francisco Tropa, which focuses on the way in which an image appears and is perceived.
С пятница 6 декабря 2024 по понедельник 21 апреля 2025, с 10. до 18.
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Палома
56, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 98 98 48 60
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Exhibition - "Agora, the Place of the Museum"
From Friday 24 January to Sunday 4 May 2025, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Sauber
Back in 2015, the NMNM debited its first ever LAB giving visitors a glimpse "behind the scenes of the museum". Then in 2018, five guest artists were invited to produce their own musings on the very meaning of the museum itself. In 2025, as the Villa Sauber prepares to undergo a radical transformation, the NMNM is giving pride of place to its public-facing programmes, where the focus is on artists and promoting a wider sharing of art appreciation.
С пятница 24 января по воскресенье 4 мая 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Собер
17, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 98 98 91 26
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Festival - "Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo"
From Sunday 2 March to Sunday 27 April 2025, Principality of Monaco
The Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo 2025 Festival will celebrate the centenary of Pierre Boulez, a leading figure in the world of contemporary music, who pioneering work and worldwide influence will be explored through a series of concerts, screenings, and performances. The Festival will also showcase the artistic connections between Boulez and painter Francis Bacon. Six of Bacon's paintings, created around the time the two men met in Paris, illustrate the themes of human fragility and time and reflect on the ways in which music and painting each inspire the other. The dialogue between two of the 20th century's great cultural geniuses is a unique immersion in their artistic world.
С воскресенье 2 марта по воскресенье 27 апреля 2025
Principality of Monaco
+377 93 25 58 04
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Stand-up Comedy - "Les Sérénissimes de l'Humour"
From Wednesday 12 to Saturday 15 March 2025, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
MONACO LIVE PRODUCTIONS is proud to present a festival of laughter at the 19th Les Sérénissimes de l’Humour comedy festival. Under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the event will bring together an array of top comedians and actors for four days of fun at the GRIMALDI FORUM MONACO. Once again, Les Sérénissimes de l’Humour will be supporting the Chien de Coeur charity.
С среда 12 по суббота 15 марта 2025
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 99 99 30 00
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Opera - "Vespro della Beata Vergine"
Friday 14 March 2025, at 8 pm, Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée de Monaco
Opéra de Monte-Carlo, 2024/25 season. Choral concert. Conductor: Gianluca Capuano. Choirmaster: Jacopo Facchini. Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610) SV 206 in 14 sections. Dedicated to Pope Paul V (1552-1621). Music by Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643). First performed: Mantua, Basilica Palatina di Santa Barbara, 25 March 1610. Prelude: World premiere of Venezianischer Morgen by Bruno Mantovani (b. 1974), commissioned by Opéra de Monte-Carlo. In collaboration with the Salzburg Whitsun Festival and Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo.
Пятница 14 марта 2025, в 20.
Собор св. Николая в Монако
4, rue Colonel Bellando de Castro
+377 92 00 13 70
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Stand-up Comedy - "Comedy des Sérénissimes"
Friday 14 March 2025, at 8 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Les Sérénissimes de l'Humour - Comedy des Sérénissimes. Prepare to split your sides with an evening of explosive stand-up in the company of talented up-and-coming comedians!
Пятница 14 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 99 99 30 00
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Event - "Six Nations Rugby"
Saturday 15 March 2025, from 2.30 pm to 11.30 pm, Marché de La Condamine
Come and experience the excitement of the Six Nations on the market square in La Condamine, where you can follow all the match action live on a giant screen on Saturday 15 March. Besides the rugby, there will be a range of entertainments, not to mention refreshments stands serving food and drink throughout the afternoon and evening. Head to La Condamine market from 2.30 pm to 11.30 pm and cheer on your favourite team in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere!
Суббота 15 марта 2025, с 14:30 до 23:30
Marché de La Condamine
15, place d' Armes
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Carte Blanche for the Conservatories"
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 3 pm, Auditorium Rainier III
At the conservatories' traditional concert, the stage is open to young musicians from Monaco's Académie Rainier III and music schools from across the region. Cellist Henri Demarquette is the official patron of this year's event. With the participation of students and teachers at the Académie Rainier III, the Beausoleil Municipal School of Music, and the Conservatories of Cannes and Nice.
Суббота 15 марта 2025, в 15.
Концертный зал Rainier III
Boulevard Louis II
+377 93 25 58 04
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Webern - Berg - Beethoven"
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 7.30 pm, Centre de Conférences - One Monte-Carlo
The first part of the Viennese diptych by the Quatuor Akilone string quartet this weekend: Webern's aphorisms (Bagatelles op. 9) will be followed by the moving and intimate Lyric Suite by Alban Berg, and its model, Ludwig van Beethoven's impressive String Quartet No. 13 with its climactic grand fugue.
Суббота 15 марта 2025, в 19:30
Centre de Conférences - One Monte-Carlo
1 Pl. du Casino
+377 93 25 58 04
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Stand-up Comedy - "Bun Hay Mean"
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 8 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Les Sérénissimes de l'Humour - Bun Hay Mean – Tous Mytho - New show. Legend has it that the world was made in six days. Bun Hay Mean wrote a new show every day for six years. Come and see for yourself, because as the title of this new show says, "we're all liars".
Суббота 15 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 99 99 30 00
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Documentary Screening"
Sunday 16 March 2025, at 11 am, Cinéma des Beaux-Arts
Boulez, 20th century. "Rythme, Musicales", first broadcast on France 3 on 6 August 1988. "Harmonie, Musicales", first broadcast on France 3 on 27 August 1988.
Воскресенье 16 марта 2025, в 11.
Cinéma des Beaux-Arts
12, avenue d'Ostende
+377 93 25 58 04
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Concert by Candlelight: Beethoven & Schönberg"
Sunday 16 March 2025, at 5 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace
With special guests Sindy Mohamed and Henri Demarquette, the Quatuor Akilone continue their exploration of both Viennese Schools through a pair of pioneering pieces. The first is Ludwig van Beethoven's String Quartet No. 16, concise, sharp, rich, and whose final exclamation "Es muss sein!" was the inspiration for everyone from Léo Ferré to Milan Kunderaz. The second piece is Arnold Schönberg's Transfigured Night, a work of symphonic poetry and a fresh and inventive new vision of chamber music.
Воскресенье 16 марта 2025, в 17.
Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
+377 93 25 58 04
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Film - "Ninotchka"
Tuesday 18 March 2025, at 7 pm, Théâtre des Variétés
Movie Tuesdays - An actress renowned for her melanchonic gravitas and a cineast celebrated for his lighthearted elegance come together to create a brilliant romantic comedy.
Вторник 18 марта 2025, в 19.
Theatre Variétés
1, boulevard Albert Ier
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Theatre - "Can't Pay? Won't Pay!"
Tuesday 18 March 2025, at 8 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Can't Pay? Won't Pay! is one of the great contemporary comedies. A thought-provoking, satirical play, anchored in the social and political realities of the time by its writers Dario Fo and Franca Rame. This is a veritable dramatic "war machine", with a humorous style almost unique in contemporary theatre. The comedic mechanics of the play push into the territory of the absurd, all the better to showcase the human behaviours and dysfunctions of our western societies. This is the French language version.
Вторник 18 марта 2025, в 20.
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 93 25 32 27
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Turkish Airlines EuroLeague - "AS Monaco - Fenerbahce Beko Istanbul"
Thursday 20 March 2025, Salle Gaston Médecin
Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Basketball: AS Monaco Roca Team - Fenerbahce Beko Istanbul
Четверг 20 марта 2025
Salle Gaston Médecin
Stade Louis II
+377 92 05 43 06
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Le Printemps des Arts - "Melodies by Debussy & Ravel"
Thursday 20 March 2025, at 7.30 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace
A foray into poetry, an art form for which Pierre Boulez developed a particular affection, and two composers whose works he conducted on numerous occasions: Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel. This collection of their melodies is performed by two long-time collaborators, the bass-baritone Vincent Le Texier, and the pianist Ancuza Aprodu.
Четверг 20 марта 2025, в 19:30
Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
+377 93 25 58 04
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Concert - "Thursday Live Session - Francis of Delirium"
Thursday 20 March 2025, at 8.30 pm, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
Get ready for an unforgettable experience with the unique sound of Francis of Delirium, a heady mix of alternative rock and pure, unadulterated emotion. With a magnetic stage presence and captivating songs, this is a concert the audience won’t forget in a hurry!
Четверг 20 марта 2025, в 20:30
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 99 99 20 00
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