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Winter Pop-Up - "The Perfect Chalet Illusion"
С вторник 26 ноября 2024 по воскресенье 16 марта 2025, с 18:30 до 1:30
Blue Gin
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Exhibition - "The Butterfly Effect"
С воскресенье 1 декабря 2024 по понедельник 1 декабря 2025, с 9. до 18.
Музей доисторической антропологии
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Exhibition - "Francisco Tropa - Paesine"
С пятница 6 декабря 2024 по понедельник 21 апреля 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Палома
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Exhibition - "Agora, the Place of the Museum"
С пятница 24 января по воскресенье 4 мая 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Собер
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Exhibition - "Art Xploration!"
С четверг 6 февраля по вторник 4 марта 2025, с 10. до 18.
Espace 22
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Activities - "Experience the Ocean"
С суббота 8 февраля по воскресенье 9 марта 2025
Океанографический музей Монако
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Exhibition - "Espaces ciselés"
С четверг 20 февраля по среда 12 марта 2025, с 11. до 18.
Salle d'Exposition du Quai Antoine Ier
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Opera - "Das Rheingold"
Воскресенье 23 февраля 2025, в 15.
Опера Монте-Карло
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French Basketball Cup - "AS Monaco - Lyon-Villeurbanne"
Вторник 25 февраля 2025
Salle Gaston Médecin
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Film - "Les bonnes femmes"
Вторник 25 февраля 2025, в 19.
Theatre Variétés
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Theatre - "Pauvre Bitos ! Ou le dîner de têtes"
Вторник 25 февраля 2025, в 20.
Théâtre Princesse Grace
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Theatre - "The World According to Albert Einstein"
Среда 26 февраля 2025, в 16:30
Théâtre des Muses
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OPMC - "Christian Zacharias Recital"
Пятница 28 февраля 2025, в 20.
Концертный зал Rainier III
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Concert - "Les Concerts de la Voûte"
Saturday 22 February 2025, at 7 pm, Eglise Réformée de Monaco
David Lefèvre, first violin and supersoloist with the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, and Katherine Nikitine, concert pianist and teacher, are creating a new season of concerts. On 22 February, they will be taking advantage of the extraordinary acoustics of the Reformed Church in the centre of Monaco. Their motto? Excellence and conviviality. After the short concert, the audience will be invited to stay for refreshments with the musicians. Discover the magnificent Sonata by Schreker, a composer born in Monte-Carlo in 1878, performed for the first time in Monaco. Savour the music and allow yourself to be swept along by the notes of Tchaikovsky.
Суббота 22 февраля 2025, в 19.
Реформатская церковь Монако
7, rue Louis Notari
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Winter Pop-Up - "The Perfect Chalet Illusion"
From Tuesday 26 November 2024 to Sunday 16 March 2025, 6.30 pm to 1.30 am, Blue Gin
Experience the magic of winter at the Blue Gin, as the mountains come to the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort! From Tuesday 26 November, the Blue Gin will undergo a stunning metamorphosis, becoming a warm and welcoming Alpine chalet for the festive period. For a limited period only, the spirit of the snow-capped peaks will mingle with the glitz and glamour of the Riviera.
С вторник 26 ноября 2024 по воскресенье 16 марта 2025, с 18:30 до 1:30
Blue Gin
Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort 40, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 98 06 03 60
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Exhibition - "The Butterfly Effect"
Until Londay 1 December 2025, from 9 am to 6 pm, Musée d’Anthropologie Préhistorique
The Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology is delighted to invite you to discover its new temporary exhibition: The Butterfly Effect: The Pre-History of Animals, organised under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. Explore whole rooms themed to the animal kingdom and biodiversity, and take a fascinating journey through archaeology and our natural history!
С воскресенье 1 декабря 2024 по понедельник 1 декабря 2025, с 9. до 18.
Музей доисторической антропологии
56 bis, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 98 98 80 06
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Exhibition - "Francisco Tropa - Paesine"
From Friday 6 December 2024 to Monday 21 April 2025, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Paloma
The exhibition takes its name from "pietre paesine", ruined marble, whose geological markings are reminiscent of painted landscapes, on the boundary between figuration and abstraction. This analogy of nature and technique is a central theme in the work of Francisco Tropa, which focuses on the way in which an image appears and is perceived.
С пятница 6 декабря 2024 по понедельник 21 апреля 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Палома
56, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 98 98 48 60
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Exhibition - "Agora, the Place of the Museum"
From Friday 24 January to Sunday 4 May 2025, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Sauber
Back in 2015, the NMNM debited its first ever LAB giving visitors a glimpse "behind the scenes of the museum". Then in 2018, five guest artists were invited to produce their own musings on the very meaning of the museum itself. In 2025, as the Villa Sauber prepares to undergo a radical transformation, the NMNM is giving pride of place to its public-facing programmes, where the focus is on artists and promoting a wider sharing of art appreciation.
С пятница 24 января по воскресенье 4 мая 2025
Новый национальный музей Монако — Вилла Собер
17, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 98 98 91 26
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Exhibition - "Art Xploration!"
From Thursday 6 February to Tuesday 4 March 2025, from 10 am to 6 pm, Espace 22
This 50th exhibition is a celebration of art in all its forms. To mark the occasion, a series of meetings will be arranged with the artists, along with a special programme of events. Since its creation, Espace 22 has forged a reputation as an essential place for lovers of contemporary art, culture, and innovation. Every year, Espace 22 plays hosts to a selection of talented artists, with exhibitions, performances and special events giving the public a unique and multi-faceted experience.
С четверг 6 февраля по вторник 4 марта 2025, с 10. до 18.
Espace 22
24 Bd d'Italie
+377 92 16 51 64
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Activities - "Experience the Ocean"
From Saturday 8 February to Sunday 9 March 2025, Musée Océanographique de Monaco
A visit to the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is the complete ocean experience. Its aquarium contains a diverse collection of marine species, while "Oceanomania", created by Mark Dion, is the world's largest "cabinet of sea curiosities". The "Monaco and the Ocean" room with its modern and interactive scenography tells the story of the Princes of Monaco and their historic commitment to the cause of ocean conservation, from Albert I to Albert II. The museum also offers unique activities, including the chance to handle sea creatures, a 360° virtual reality experience, and an oceanography-themed escape game. For children aged 6 to 12, the Oceano Club organises fun and educational "discovery" sessions during the school holidays.
С суббота 8 февраля по воскресенье 9 марта 2025
Океанографический музей Монако
Avenue Saint-Martin
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Exhibition - "Espaces ciselés"
From Thursday 20 February to Wednesday 12 March 2025, 11 am to 6 pm, Salle d'Exposition du Quai Antoine Ier
Monaco City Hall is proud to present a retrospective devoted to Hubert Clerissi. The landmark exhibition "Espaces ciselés" is being organised in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Pavillon Bosio, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. The son of an architect, Monegasque artist Hubert Clerissi has developed a unique style characterised by incisive lines, though his art has gradually evolved from architectural influences to a freer form of expression. His urban landscapes are a fascinating juxtaposition of exacting precision and emotion, while his watercolours explore the fragility of life. Influenced by Utrillo, Dufy, and Buffet, Clerissi uses a variety of techniques to create a very personal world, in which lines symbolise the quest for freedom. Admission to the exhibition is free and no booking is required.
С четверг 20 февраля по среда 12 марта 2025, с 11. до 18.
Salle d'Exposition du Quai Antoine Ier
4, quai Antoine Ier
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Opera - "Das Rheingold"
Sunday 23 February 2025, at 3 pm, Opéra Garnier Monte-Carlo
Opéra de Monte-Carlo, 2024/25 season. Opera. Conductor: Gianluca Capuano. Director: Davide Livermore. Prelude to Der Ring des Nibelungen. Music and libretto by Richard Wagner (1813-1883). First performed: Munich, National Theatre, 22 September 1869.
Воскресенье 23 февраля 2025, в 15.
Опера Монте-Карло
Place du Casino
+377 92 00 13 70
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French Basketball Cup - "AS Monaco - Lyon-Villeurbanne"
Tuesday 25 February 2025, Salle Gaston Médecin
French Basketball Cup - Coupe de France: AS Monaco Roca Team - Lyon-Villeurbanne
Вторник 25 февраля 2025
Salle Gaston Médecin
Stade Louis II
+377 92 05 40 10
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Film - "Les bonnes femmes"
Tuesday 25 February 2025, at 7 pm, Théâtre des Variétés
Movie Tuesdays - Though panned by critics at the time of its release, this is one of Chabrol's finest films, an astonishingly clear-eyed study of morality, a masterful critique of the triviality and bovarysme of young women in 60s France.
Вторник 25 февраля 2025, в 19.
Theatre Variétés
1, boulevard Albert Ier
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Opéra - "L’Or du Rhin"
Mardi 25 février 2025, à 20h, Opéra Garnier Monte-Carlo
Opéra de Monte-Carlo Saison 2024/25. Opéra. Direction musicale Gianluca Capuano. Mise en scène Davide Livermore. Prologue à L’Anneau du Nibelung. Musique et livret de Richard Wagner (1813-1883). Création : Munich, Théâtre royal, 22 septembre 1869.
Вторник 25 февраля 2025, в 20.
Опера Монте-Карло
Place du Casino
+377 92 00 13 70
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Theatre - "Pauvre Bitos ! Ou le dîner de têtes"
Tuesday 25 February 2025, at 8 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace
A delightfully dark and cruel comedy. André Bitos is a working class boy who grew up to become a state prosecutor, embarking on a reign of terror in the days following the liberation of France. Returning to his hometown in provincial France, he is invited by his old classmates - now members of high society - to a special dinner at which every guest is expected to come as a figure from the French Revolutionary. Bitos goes as Robespierre. But the evening is a trap. In a recreation of the revolutionary Terror and Purification, Bitos will be plied with drink before revealing the "Imposter" beneath the mask of the "Incorruptible", humiliating him and bringing his career to an ignominious end.
Вторник 25 февраля 2025, в 20.
Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
+377 93 25 32 27
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Theatre - "The World According to Albert Einstein"
Wednesday 26 February 2025, at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses
Albert Einstein is an unusual boy. My name is Albert Einstein. I turned 9 and 3/4 exactly 3 days, 5 hours, and 46 minutes ago. The thing I enjoy most is playing with numbers: dividing, multiplying, juggling with square roots and hyperbolas at light speed. But at school, the teacher and my classmates make fun of me, because I get my words jumbled up.
Среда 26 февраля 2025, в 16:30
Théâtre des Muses
45, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 97 98 10 93
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Détente - "SKINCARE PAMPER PARTY by Christina Cosmeceuticals"
Mercredi 26 février 2025, de 18h à 21h, Nobu Fairmont Monte-Carlo
Préparez-vous à vous faire dorloter ! Christina Cosmeceuticals s'associe au Club Vivanova pour offrir à chaque participant un sérum Forever Young Renewal, un masque Unstress Replenishing Mask et un soin du visage sur un magnifique skinbar pour un coup d'éclat instantané. Les invités peuvent également recevoir un bon pour un traitement du visage à la Christina House Monaco.
Среда 26 февраля 2025, с 18. до 21.
Nobu Fairmont Monte-Carlo
Hôtel Fairmont Monte-Carlo 12 avenue des Spélugues
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Theatre - "Chère Insaisissable"
Thursday 27 February, Friday 28 February, Saturday 1 March at 8 pm, and Sunday 2 March 2025 at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses
Albert Einstein is an unusual boy. My name is Albert Einstein. I turned 9 and 3/4 exactly 3 days, 5 hours, and 46 minutes ago. The thing I enjoy most is playing with numbers: dividing, multiplying, juggling with square roots and hyperbolas at light speed. But at school, the teacher and my classmates make fun of me, because I get my words jumbled up.
С четверг 27 февраля по воскресенье 2 марта 2025
Théâtre des Muses
45, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 97 98 10 93
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OPMC - "Christian Zacharias Recital"
Friday 28 February 2025, at 8 pm, Auditorium Rainier III
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, 2024/2025 season, under the Presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover - "Christian Zacharias Recital". Christian ZACHARIAS, Piano. Programme: SCHUBERT, HAYDN, COUPERIN, POULENC, SCARLATTI.
Пятница 28 февраля 2025, в 20.
Концертный зал Rainier III
Boulevard Louis II
+377 92 00 13 70
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Theatre - "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas"
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 March 2025, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
This show featuring real actors and puppets takes us aboard the Nautilus, Captain Nemo's legendary submarine resembling half sea monster, and half cutting edge technological wonder. All the famous characters from Jules Verne's classic novel are here, from Professor Aronnax and his loyal servant Conseil who, before becoming shipwrecked and being taken prisoner by Nemo, had gone hunting for the giant narwhal aboard the US Navy frigate Abraham Lincoln, alongside harpooner Ned Land. Captain Nemo, a true modern pirate, forces them to sail with him on a voyage across the world's oceans, where scientific experiments mingle with the poetry of the deep. The actors, accompanied by a troupe of fish, invite us to join them in an expedition to explore the classic literary masterpiece.
С суббота 1 по воскресенье 2 марта 2025
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
+377 93 25 32 27
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Théâtre - "20 000 lieues sous les mers"
Saturday 1st March at 7:30PM and Sunday 2nd March at 3PM, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
This production, blending actors and puppets, takes us aboard the Nautilus, Captain Nemo’s legendary vessel. It follows the characters from Jules Verne’s novel: Professor Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and the harpooner Ned Land, as they set out to hunt a mysterious giant narwhal. After a shipwreck, they become prisoners of Nemo, a modern pirate, who leads them on an underwater journey around the world, mixing science with the poetry of the ocean depths. Accompanied by a troupe of fish, the actors bring this literary masterpiece to life. In collaboration with the Théâtre Princesse Grace.
С суббота 1 по воскресенье 2 марта 2025
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
10, avenue Princesse Grace
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Theatre - "The World According to Albert Einstein"
Saturday 1 March at 5 pm and Sunday 2 March at 11 am, Théâtre des Muses
Albert Einstein is an unusual boy. My name is Albert Einstein. I turned 9 and 3/4 exactly 3 days, 5 hours, and 46 minutes ago. The thing I enjoy most is playing with numbers: dividing, multiplying, juggling with square roots and hyperbolas at light speed. But at school, the teacher and my classmates make fun of me, because I get my words jumbled up.
С суббота 1 по воскресенье 2 марта 2025
Théâtre des Muses
45, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
+377 97 98 10 93
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