Every summer, for a few dates, the Prince's Palace opens its doors for exclusive concerts in the Cour d’Honneur under the starry skies of the Principality. The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra offers a unique series of performances that will transport you to other places...

A truly unique stage
During the summer, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra performs in Cour d’Honneur at the Prince's Palace.
The idea came about in 1959, in the reign of Prince
Rainier III, reviving a Grimaldi tradition for patronage of the arts and music in particular that dates back to the 18th century. At that
time, the Princes of Monaco regularly “gave music” in the Palace courtyard for the benefit of their people.
Several names were considered: the Musical Weeks of the Palace of Monaco, the Festival of the Palace of Monaco, Musical Receptions at the Palace of Monaco, Musical Evenings of the Palace of Monaco, International Music Evenings at the Palace of Monaco....
The eventual choice was "Les Concerts du Palais Princier de Monaco" or "Concerts at the Prince's Palace of Monaco".

On instructions from Prince Rainier III, the Palace services were tasked with organising all aspects of the concerts and everything relating to the audience: admission, seating, flooring, and so on.
Over the years, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic has become somewhat famous for these concerts, and critics now consider it to be among Europe's leading symphony orchestras.
A memorable and exclusive moment to be experienced in the legendary residence of the Princes of Monaco.
What's in store in 2024...
There will be seven concerts on the following dates:
- Thursday 11 July at 9.30 pm
- Thursday 18 July at 9.30 pm
- Friday 26 July at 9.30 pm
- Sunday 28 July at 9.30 pm
- Thursday 1 August at 9.30 pm
- Sunday 4 August at 9.30 pm
- Thursday 8 August at 9.30 pm
About the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra
Thanks to its ability to juggle both tradition and
modernity, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra plays a leading role by
performing major symphonic works, reviving rare and contemporary pieces, and
producing lyric and choreographical creations. The Orchestra works in collaboration
with the Compagnie des Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Opera and the Printemps des
Arts. It also organises cinema-themed concerts, with internationally renowned
cinematographic works such as Walt Disney’s Fantasia, or Peter Jackson’s Lord
of the Rings.
The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic travels occasionally to
take part in major festivals overseas or to perform in every part of the globe,
with the aim of establishing itself as one of the world’s foremost
international orchestras.
Under the Presidency of the Princess of Hanover, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic
Orchestra enjoys the support and encouragement of H.S.H. Prince Albert II.
A little history
A nascent orchestra first began to take shape in 1856.
It gradually attracted more and more artists from Paris, eventually forming the
Orchestra du Nouveau Cercle des Étrangers (literally the “New Foreigners’
Circle Orchestra”). It adopted the name it bears today in 1980, and has since
enjoyed a prominent place on the international musical stage.
Autumn 2010 saw the launch of the “OPMC
Classics” label by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra. These various recordings have earned numerous awards from the musical press.
The OPMC's history has been marked by some great musical and artistic directors such as Igor Markevic, Gianluigi Gelmetti and Kazuki Yamada, who has been conducting the orchestra since 2016.
To find out more about Concerts at the Prince’s Palace of Monaco