The Principality has adopted a regulatory strategy aimed at
phasing out single-use plastics gradually in preparation for a complete ban on
their use by 2030.
Three tips for a “plastic-free” stay in Monaco
Commerce Engagé® and Restaurant Engagé® are official labels awarded by
the Monaco Department of the Environment and the association Ecoscience
Provence, designed to help local stakeholders and consumers adopt more
sustainable practices. Shops and restaurants with Commerce Engagé® and
Restaurant Engagé® certification make efforts every day to reduce and sort
waste, combat food waste, reduce their energy and water use, and promote
awareness of sustainability issues with their customers.
Today, visitors to the Principality can minimise their environmental
footprint and help to make the Principality a “zero single-use plastics”
destination by doing three very simple things. These actions are shown on a
poster produced by the Tourist and Convention Authority and displayed in
certified shops and restaurants.
They are fully in line with regulations applied in the Principality:
=> Eco-friendly action 1: carry shopping in a reusable bag or backpack
Since 1 June 2016, single-use plastic shopping bags (<50 µm thick,
<25l capacity) have been banned (including bags made from recycled,
bio-sourced, biodegradable, compostable, or oxo-degradable plastic).
Eco-friendly action No. 2: take your own reusable cutlery and straws
Since 1 January 2019, both single-use and reusable plastic straws have
been banned (including straws made from recycled, bio-sourced, biodegradable,
compostable, or oxo-degradable plastic).
Finally, since 1 January 2022, shops and restaurants are no longer allowed
systematically to provide single-use cutlery free of charge - whatever material
they are made from (including bio-sourced and compostable plastics). Customers
are now required to pay for disposable cutlery, in particular when purchasing
take-out food.
The shop or restaurant must provide customers - on request only - with
non-plastic utensils, for a “meaningful” charge (which the retailer is free to
set, provided it is not below the cost price).
Eco-friendly action 3: instead of buying disposable plastic bottles,
carry your own reusable bottle and refill it from a water fountain
… and even though the use of disposable plastic bottles has not yet been
limited or banned by law, this last eco-friendly action is every bit as vital
for reducing plastic waste!
For a list of shops and restaurants with the Commerces Engagés and Restaurants Engagés labels and details of where to find public water fountains, visit YourMonaco.